17:00 Local Time
On 23 November, the Islamic Republic of Iran’s security forces arrested a Kurdish former political prisoner named Dler Nasri in Sanandaj, Kurdistan province and took him to an undisclosed location.
Reportedly, Nasri was arrested without a court order at his shop.
16:00 Local Time
On 23 November, the Islamic Republic of Iran’s security forces arrested a civilian named Mostafa Ghanipour in Piranshahr, West Azerbaijan province and took him to an undisclosed location.
15:00 Local Time
On 22 November, the Islamic Republic of Iran’s security forces arrested an environmental activist named Vahab Mohammadpour in Piranshahr, West Azerbaijan province and took him to an undisclosed location.
Reportedly, Mohammadpour was arrested without a court order & subjected to violence.
10:00 Local Time
There is no accurate information available about the condition of the civilian Hossein Amir Hosseini since his arrest more than two months ago.
A few days after his arrest, he told his family in a phone call that he was being held in a solitary cell in the detention centre of the Intelligence Organisation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in Sanandaj, Kurdistan province.
Since the phone call, his family has not received any information about their son and they are worried about his life.
He was arrested on 21 September during the public protests in Dehgolan, Kurdistan province.
Reportedly, security agents arrested him as one of the organisers of the protests in the city.
Amiri Hosseini is 36 years old and works at a gas station. He became a father two weeks ago while under arrest.