Prisoner Faramarz Moradi was executed on 30 April for drug-related offences in Ardabil Central Prison in Ardabil Province.
Moradi, a 31-year-old man from of the village of Harkian in Salmas, West Azerbaijan Province, was sentenced to death about four years ago on charges related to drugs.
On 11 February, Nojoumi Moradi, the brother of Faramarz Moradi, was also executed on charges of “premeditated murder” in Orumiyeh Central Prison, West Azerbaijan Province.
According to statistics compiled by the Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN), Iran executed at least six prisoners in April, four on drug-related charges and two for “premeditated murder” in prisons in Orumiyeh, Hamadan, Kerman, Karaj, Saqqez, and Ardabil.