Two detainees from Anbeh village of Orumiyeh, “Kamran Kamani and Keyvan Mokaremi”, and a Kurdish citizen of Turkey, “Hatam Ozdemir”, were transferred to Orumiyeh Central Prison after several weeks of being held under harsh interrogation at the detention centre formerly known as “81 Ramadan” which is currently controlled by the Orumiyeh Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) unit.
Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) has obtained information that Kamran Kamani and Hatam Azdmir were transferred to the ward of Political Prisoners on Tuesday, Aug 19, 2019, while Keyvan Mokrami was transferred to the ward 1-8 for Prisoners of Ordinary crimes on Aug 22.
Kamran Kamani and Keyvan Mokrami were arrested on July 8, along with another civilian of Anbeh village, Saber Kamani, by IRGC forces and transferred to a detention centre in Orumiyeh. Saber Kamani was previously transferred to Orumiyeh Central Prison on Aug 19.
Hatam Ozdemir, a Kurdish citizen of Turkey, was arrested on July 2 after armed clashes between the forces of Kurdistan Workers’ Party and forces of the “Hamza Seyyed al-Shohada” affiliated with IRGC of Orumiyeh in the Chaldaran border area. He is said to have been detained and transferred to the Ministry of Intelligence Detention Center in Orumiyeh immediately after being shot unconscious by mortar shells.