Following the nationwide sit-in on Oct 15 and 16, the Saqqez prosecutor suspended the prosecution for six teachers accused of disturbing public order.
The Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) has been informed that on Nov 5, 2018, the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Saqqez Revolutionary Court suspended the prosecution of six teachers known as Tahir Ghaderzadeh, Suleiman Abdi, Seyyed Ali Hosseini, Ahmad Ghaderi, Hamid Yazdani and Khalid Abdollahi on charges of disturbing public order by taking part in strike.
Following the two days sit-in of teachers, the intelligence police in Saqqez summoned and interrogated six teachers mentioned above and filed an indictment against them on charges of disrupting public order.
This sit-in was held on Oct 15 and 16 with the call of the Iran Cultural Organisations’ Coordination Council. Teachers in many regions of Iran carried out a sit-in at schools in order to showed their objection to the inadequate conditions of teachers as well as the educational system while holding up signs with slogans including “Free education for all citizens”, “Educational justice” and “granting higher education certificates to teachers”, “salary increase in proportion to inflation”, “comprehensive insurance” “and” ending the imprisonment of teachers “