At the same time as the intensification of the Iranian military forces targeting kolbars in the country’s western border areas, the Intelligence Organisation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance in Sardasht, West Azerbaijan province, have threatened admins of Telegram news channels over publishing information on the shootings.
In the past week, Iran’s Border Guard Command forces killed two kolbars in Nowsud and Sardasht border areas and wounded at least 16 others.
The admin of one of the channels in Sardasht spoke to the Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) and said: “In the past two days, following the killing of a kolbar named Soleiman Ebrahimzadeh in the border areas of the city, the Intelligence Organisation of the IRGC and the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance have called the admins of the Telegram news channels active in the city and said that in no way should a report or news item about the killings of kolbars should be published by them.”
The activist added that the two institutions while threatening the admins of the Telegram channels, have said that if they did not pay attention to the warnings, their Telegram channels would be restricted and the managers would face lawsuits.
Previously, the KHRN had reported the summoning and threatening of the admins of several Telegram channels in the city of Baneh, Kurdistan province, after they published the news of the death of several kolbars in the border areas of the city.