Two kolbars named Jamal Mohammadi and Saman Mahmoudi lost their lives in a road accident on 17 October, near the Kileh village of Baneh in Kurdistan Province.
Three other kolbars were injured during the accident.
Reportedly, the vehicle carrying the group of kolbars overturned due to a collision with another car.
The injured kolbars were taken to the Salahuddin Ayoubi Hospital in Baneh.
Kolbar deaths and injuries in September
According to statistics compiled by the Kurdistan Human Rights Network, in September, at least 14 Kurdish kolbars lost their lives in the border areas of Iranian Kurdistan.
Iranian border forces shot at least eight of these kolbars in the country’s western borders, five of whom lost their lives while three were wounded.
Additionally, one kolbar lost his life due to a heart attack, and two died falling from mountain heights after running from border forces.
Also, on 20 September, the Turkish army killed two Kurdish kolbars named Sozdar Ahmadi and Alishan Ahmadi in the border area between Turkey and Iran’s Orumiyeh, West Azerbaijan province.
The two kolbars lost their lives after a Turkish drone strike targeted a group of kolbars.
Another kolbar was injured falling from mountain heights.