Two young tradesmen named Milad Karimi, 18, and Pouya Mohammad-Azizian, 16, lost their lives as a fuel depot caught fire in the border village of Hani Garmaleh in the Nowsud district of Kermanshah province, western Iran, on 15 June.
Another underage tradesman named Soran Ali-Mohammadi also suffered burns and was sent to Paveh city hospital, in Kermanshah province.
The village of Hani Garmaleh is located at the zero point of the border with the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
The majority of the residents of the village are engaged in working as kolbars and tradesmen in the border areas due to unemployment.
Kolbars and tradesmen import foreign goods, including cigarettes, textiles, audio and video equipment, through the border into Iran and, in rare cases, send fuel gallons to the Kurdistan Region.
On 17 November 2021, a child from the village named Soroush Rahmani committed suicide after his mules were confiscated by Iranian border forces.