Hamed Ghara Oghlani, a political prisoner from Orumiyeh, was sentenced to death and 13 years and 3 months in prison by branches 2 and 3 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court of Orumiyeh on charges of “Baqi” through membership in the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, “insulting the leadership” and “relations with Israel and the United States”.
Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) has obtained information that he was tried on October 28 on the charge of “Baqi” at branch 2 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court, presided over by Judge Sheikhlou. He was also tried on charges of “relations with the United States and Israel” and “insulting the leadership” at branch 3 of the Revolutionary Court, headed by Judge Najafzadeh. He was officially sentenced to 13 years and 3 months in prison in Orumyieh Prison on Monday, Sept 28, 2020.
Hamed Ghara Oghlani, a civilian from Orumiyeh whose job is to install CCTV cameras, was arrested by the Orumiyeh Intelligence Office on July 27 and transferred to the prison after 20 days of interrogation. The family of this political prisoner was also reportedly summoned to the Orumiyeh Intelligence Office and interrogated while he was being held in the Ministry of Intelligence detention centre.