Two ordinary prisoners detained in ward 2 of Miandoab Prison who urgently needed to be transferred to outpatient treatment centres, died within a week in prison due to lack of medical care.
” On 2nd and 7th of August, two prisoners of drug offences in the Miandoab prison, known as Reza Pourramezan and Adel Naghizadeh, died due to lack of medical care,” an informed source told Kurdistan Human Rights Network.
“Reza Pourramezan who had spent the last 11 years in prison due to life imprisonment, underwent intestinal surgery at a hospital outside the prison recently but he was transferred to the prison before recovering from the surgery side effects. Adel Naghizadeh, who had been in jail for the past 13 years ago, was also in urgent need of a hospitalisation due to liver problems. He also lost his life in the prison due to lack of medical care”, this source stated.
In Iran, prisoners lose their life due to many reasons including medical negligence and lack of proper medical treatment and facilities.