On Wednesday, Sept 5, 2018 two political prisoners known as Zanyar and Loghman Moradi, sentenced to death, have been transferred to quarantine section of Rajai Shahr prison in Karaj. Accordingly, there is an increased fear about their imminent execution.
After being transferred to the quarantine section of the Rajai Shahr prison in Karaj, the prison authorities contacted their families yesterday, on Sept 6, 2018, and asked them to visit their children.
The family of these two political prisoners have met with them at Rajai Shahr prison in Karaj this morning.
One of the family members of Zanyar Moradi, who has met with him, told Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) that Zamyar has gone on hunger strike in protest to the possibility of enforcing the prison verdict since Wednesday when Zanyar and Loghman were transferred to the quarantine.
“The prison authorities have told our family that the transfer of prisoners to the quarantine section had been ordered by the Ministry of Intelligence and there was no risk of enforcing the sentence. However, Zaniar and Loghman dismissed the claims during the visit with their families and informed them about the possibility of the verdict being enforced tomorrow morning.”, he added.
In addition, Ramin Hussein Panahi, a death Row political prisoner who has been transferred to Rajai Shahr Prison in Karaj from Sanandaj Central Prison, is currently in solitary confinement on hunger strike, and he is at the risk of imminent execution.