Some eight prisoners in the Greater Tehran Central Penitentiary were summoned today in order to be transferred to another prison for the amputation of their fingers.
These prisoners were previously sentenced to amputation of four fingers of their right hands over “theft”.
However, due to unknown reasons, their transfer has been postponed to another date.
As their sentences have been finalised, the prisoners face the risk of execution of their sentences at any moment.
The Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) previously reported the transfer of Hadi Rostami, Mehdi Shahivand and Mehdi Sharafian – three prisoners sentenced to amputation of their fingers – from Orumiyeh Central Prison to the Greater Tehran Central Penitentiary.
Of the other five prisoners sentenced to amputation of fingers in the Tehran prison, only one, named Yaghoub Fazeli, has been identified so far.
In the news circulating on social media in the past days, it was claimed that a detainee, whose fingers were ordered to be cut off, was taken from Dizel Abad Prison in Kermanshah to Evin Prison in Tehran and his sentence was executed.
Reportedly, a guillotine has been taken to Evin Prison to amputate the fingers of the prisoners. There is a possibility that sentences of at least eight prisoners will be executed.
In interviews with the KHRN, the families of some of the prisoners called for the immediate intervention of international human rights organisations and the United Nations Human Rights Council to prevent the amputations.