A Kurdish political prisoner named Matin Hassanvand committed suicide and lost his life on 6 July, a day after being sent on temporary leave from Maku prison on 6 July.
So far, there is no information on why the prisoner committed suicide.
Security forces arrested Hassanvand, 22, while performing his military service at a base in Orumiyeh, West Azerbaijan province, in November 2020.
After about a month of interrogation in a security detention centre in Orumiyeh, he was transferred to the central prison of the city.
The military court of Orumiyeh sentenced Hassanvand to five years of imprisonment and exile to Maku prison, in West Azerbaijan province.
The court charged him with “acting against national security” through collaboration with the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (KDPI).
The ruling was finalised after a few months and he was exiled from Orumiyeh Central Prison to Maku prison.