In the cities of Sardasht and Divandareh, two young women set themselves aflame due to family and social problems. One of them lost her life because of severe burning.
Kurdistan Human Rights Network has learned that, on Sunday, June 18, (Sh.M) ,23-year-old young woman resident of “Dargani Village” set herself on fire in the city of Divandareh, due to family and social problems. She died from high degree burns in Tabriz hospital after 8 days.
She was married and has a 19-month-old child.
Also on Sunday, June 25, Berivan Mohammadi, 23-year-old young woman from “Bewran Sofla Village”, committed self-immolation due to family problems and her health condition is critical.
She is currently in the Orumiyeh hospital and doctors say there’s no chance of recovery.
Most women’s rights activists believe that while women, have access to various resources, such as education, access to higher education, the Internet, satellite, etc., they become aware of their discriminatory situations, but on the other hand, the situation Socio-economic, legal discrimination and cultural constraints disappoint them from any change in their present situation. As a result of the contradiction caused by these conditions, people (or women) who are more likely than others to face the impasse, are committing suicide. Although attempts are made to reduce the causes of suicide more to psychological and individual factors, but in the current situation of Iran in general and in Kurdistan in particular, structural and social factors play a decisive role in driving people to suicide and in the worst form It’s self-immolation.