Detention date: 3 November 2017
Charged with: Membership in a Kurdish opposition party
Sentence: Death penalty
Status: Imprisoned in Orumiyeh Central Prison
Mohyeddin Ebrahimi, from Oshnavieh in West Azerbaijan province, was wounded and arrested on 3 November 2017 by a gunshot fired by the intelligence forces of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in one of the villages of Oshnavieh.
Ebrahimi was taken to the detention centre of the Intelligence Organisation of the IRGC in Orumiyeh.
He was accused of “membership in a Kurdish opposition party” and was interrogated and severely tortured.
He was hospitalised for two days in a hospital in Orumiyeh and later transferred back to the detention centre of the Intelligence Organisation of the IRGC in the city before completing his treatment.
On 7 December 2018, after the end of the interrogations, he was transferred to Orumiyeh Central Prison and was hospitalised in the prison infirmary for six months.
Ebrahimi’s court hearing was held on 20 August 2018 at Branch 2 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court of Orumiyeh, presided over by Judge Sheikhlou.
The defendant was denied his right to have a lawyer during the trial.
On 23 September he was officially notified that he had been sentenced to the death penalty for “membership in a Kurdish opposition party”.
In this verdict, a copy of which was seen by the defendant when he was notified of the sentence, the death sentence has been issued merely on the judge’s own interpretation.
After the political prisoner appealed against the ruling, the case was referred to Branch 19 of the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court overruled the decision due to a “lack of investigation” and referred it again to Branch 2 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court of Orumiyeh.
In January 2020, once again, the court sentenced Ebrahimi to death.
Ebrahimi had been also arrested once in 2010 by security forces on charges of “collaborating with one of the Kurdish opposition parties” and was released from Orumiyeh Central Prison after serving 14 months.
In addition, Ebrahimi’s brother Noureddin Ebrahimi was a kolbar, who was shot dead by Iranian border guards in 2017.