director of telegram channel Archives - KHRN
A Kurdish Cyber Activist Transferred to Orumiyeh Central Prison to Endure his Sentence
Salahedin Ranjbar, director of the Telegram channel “Orumiyeh Dang” who had been previously sentenced to one year in prison, was arrested and transferred to ward 13 of Orumieh Central Prison to serve his sentence. Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) has been informed that Salahdin Ranjbar was summoned to the Orumiyeh Court of Appeal on Sunday, December 23 and subsequently transferred to the Orumiyeh Central Prison...
Read moreIncreased Imprisonment Sentence for Telegram Channel Admin Detained at Orumiyeh Central Prison
A telegram activist, Farokh Abdi, who had previously been sentenced to a total of 30 months of imprisonment on two separate charges including blasphemy, participation in gatherings and collusion against national security, was sentenced to an additional 5 years of imprisonment per Article 134 of Islamic Penal Code (Aggregation of Fines). "Both Branch 102 of Public Court and Branch 2...
Read moreImprisonment for a Telegram Channel Admin in Orumiyeh
A Kurdish cyberspace activists of telegram channel in Orumiyeh was sentenced to three years of imprisonment by the Revolutionary Court of Orumiyeh (Branch 2) on charges of "propaganda against the state" and "insulting the leader of the Islamic Republic”. In the past few days, Farrokh Abdi, a Cyberspace activist and admmin of telegram channel known as Amanj covering Kurdistan news was sentenced to three years...
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