Hedi Nazemi Archives - KHRN
Civilians taken to Mahabad prison after interrogation, torture
Four Kurdish civilians, Javad Ayati, Hedi Nazemi, Peyman Mansouri and Fayegh Hosseinpour, have been transferred from the detention facility of Iran's Ministry of Intelligence in Orumiyeh to Mahabad Prison in the past few days. The ministry's security interrogators tortured the civilians to obtain forced confessions, Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) has learned. Reportedly, the Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor's Office of Mahabad refused to release the detainees...
Read moreIran intelligence ministry pressures detainees to accept accusations
Four detained Kurdish civilians named Javad Ayati, Hedi Nazemi, Peyman Mansouri and Fayegh Hosseinpour are still being held in the detention centre of the Ministry of Intelligence in Orumiyeh, West Azerbaijan province. Reportedly, the detainees are being pressured by interrogators to accept the accusations made against them. The civilians who come from Mahabad, West Azerbaijan province, were arrested on 20 November in Mahabad. Since their arrest, the...
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