Iraj Ebadi Archives - KHRN

November 12, 2021

Kurdish journalist released on bail in Sanandaj

Kurdish journalist and writer Iraj Ebadi has been released on bail yesterday evening after four days in detention. Security forces arrested Ebadi at his home in Sanandaj, Kurdistan province, on 7 November. They searched the journalist’s house and confiscated some of his personal belongings. Ebadi, 73, is the owner and editor of the weekly Lutkah and a retired writer and teacher. Security agencies in Sanandaj had summoned him...

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November 11, 2021

Iran detains Kurdish journalist in north-western Sanandaj

Iranian security forces arrested Kurdish journalist and writer Iraj Ebadi at his home in Sanandaj, Kurdistan province, on 7 November. They transferred him to an undisclosed location. Security forces searched the journalist's house and confiscated some of his personal belongings. Ebadi's family have not succeeded in finding out why and where he is held in custody, despite follow-ups. Ebadi, 73, is the owner and editor of the weekly...

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