Jamal Mohammadi Archives - KHRN
Two kolbars died, three injured in road accident in Kurdistan province
Two kolbars named Jamal Mohammadi and Saman Mahmoudi lost their lives in a road accident on 17 October, near the Kileh village of Baneh in Kurdistan Province. Three other kolbars were injured during the accident. Reportedly, the vehicle carrying the group of kolbars overturned due to a collision with another car. The injured kolbars were taken to the Salahuddin Ayoubi Hospital in Baneh. Kolbar deaths and injuries in...
Read moreTwo Kurdish Political Prisoners Released After Serving Ten Years in Prison
Two Kurdish political prisoners were released per Article 134 of Islamic Penal Code (Aggregation of Fines) after serving more than 10 years in prison. Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) has been informed that Sayed Sami Hosseini and Sayed Jamal Mohammadi, who had been sentenced to 25 years in prison on June 4, 2008, were finally released from Orumiyeh Central Prison per Article 134 of Islamic...
Read moreTwo Kurdish Political Prisoners Transferred to Solitary Confinement Due to Disobedience
Two Kurdish political prisoners, detained at Orumiyeh Central Prison, were transferred to solitary confinement on authorities orders after refusing to be transferred to Ordinary Crimes Ward. Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) has been informed that on Saturday, May 06, two Kurdish political prisoners called Seyyed Sami Hosseini and Seyyed Jamal Mohammadi were transferred to Orumiyeh Central Prison after serving more than 10 years of imprisonment...
Read moreTwo Kurdish Political Prisoners Still held at Qazvin Prison Despite the End of Their Imprisonment Sentence
Two Kurdish political prisoners detained at Qazvin Central Prison (known as the Choobindar) are still held in prison despite serving their ten year imprisonment sentence. They have been told that the prosecutor’s order is required for their release. Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) has been informed that Seyyed Sami Hosseini and Seyyed Jamal Mohammadi are still held at Choobindar Prison in Qazvin although their ten...
Read moreThe latest Status of Two Kurdish Political Prisoners Exiled to Qazvin Central Prison
Seyed Sami Hosseini and Seyed Jamal Mohammadi, two Kurdish political prisoners in the Central Prison of Qazvin (known as the Choobindar), have been deprived of their right to leave (furlough) in their 10th year of imprisonment while so far “Article 134 of Islamic Penal Code (Aggregation of Fines) have not been implemented in their cases yet. “Seyed Semi Hosseini and Seyed Jamal Mohammadi had been...
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