Mostafa Hamdi Archives - KHRN
Iran court sentences Kurdish media activist to 10 months in prison, 70 lashes
Mostafa Hamdi, a media activist and administrator of the Porseman Telegram group, has been sentenced to 10 months in prison and 70 lashes by Branch 105 of the Second Criminal Court in Saqqez, Kurdistan Province. The Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) has learned that the court convicted the Kurdish activist on charges of “disturbing public order” by participating in alleged “illegal gatherings”. Hamdi’s trial took place...
Read moreDetained Saqqez activist remains deprived of legal rights
Mostafa Hamdi, a media activist and administrator of the Porseman Telegram group who was arrested on 7 April in Saqqez, Kurdistan Province, has been held in detention for three weeks without the right to access legal counsel or family visits. The Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) has learned that after his arrest, Hamdi was taken to the Ministry of Intelligence detention centre in Sanandaj, Kurdistan...
Read moreMedia activist arrested without warrant in Saqqez
Mostafa Hamdi, a media activist and administrator of the Porseman Telegram group, was arrested by security forces in Saqqez, Kurdistan province, on 7 April and taken to an undisclosed location. The Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) has learned that the arrest took place without a judicial warrant being presented by the security forces. The reason for Hamdi's arrest and his current whereabouts remain unknown. Previously, in August...
Read moreIran sentences Kurdish media activist to two years in jail
The Islamic Revolutionary Court of Saqqez has sentenced Mostafa Hamdi, the admin of the Porseman telegram channel, to two years in prison. The court said it sentenced Hamdi to eight months for “propaganda against the state” and 16 months for “insulting the founder and the leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran” due to publishing content and images on the internet. Simultaneously, security institutions in Saqqez...
Read moreFive Cyberspace Activists Summoned
"On October 1, 2020, five Cyberspace activists in Saqqez were summoned to court by the complaint of the former mayor of the city", an informed source told the Kurdistan Human Rights Network(KHRN). Fardin Mostafaei- director of "Saqqez Rudaw" channel, Keyvan Jalali- director, Zahed Sharifpour- editor of "Wakawi" channel, Hiwa Majidi- director of "Sakapress" channel and Mostafa Hamdi- director of "Persman" group in Saqqez, were summoned...
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