Rahmi Turgut Archives - KHRN
Two Kurdish Political Prisoners Ended Their Hunger Strike
Rahmi Turgut and Kamran Darwishi, two Kurdish political prisoners held in Orumiyeh Central Prison, ended their hunger strike on Aug 28, 2019. According to the information obtained by Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN), Rahmi Turgut, a Kurdish citizen of Turkey who had been on hunger strike since July 22, 2019 in protest against the refusal of authorities to grant him conditional release or transfer him...
Read moreLatest Statue of Kurdish Political and Religious Prisoners at Orumiyeh Central Prison
One of the five Kurdish political and religious prisoners at the Orumiyeh Central Prison, who have been on hunger strike for about a month, ended his strike yesterday. Four others are still on hunger strike. Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) has obtained information that authorities of Orumiyeh Central Prison summoned "Bashir Pirmawane" to the Prison Execution Bureau yesterday and informed him about his request for...
Read moreFour Kurdish Political and Religious Prisoners Still on Hunger Strike at Orumiyeh Central Prison
Four Kurdish political and religious prisoners “Mostafa Sabzi”, “Qader Salimi", “Bashir Pirmawane” and “Rahmi Turgut” who have been on hunger strike since 25 days ago are reported to be in critical health condition. These prisoners are on hunger strike in protest to the refusal of prison officials to grant them parole and transfer them to a prison near their parents' place of residence. A reliable...
Read moreContinued Hunger Strike of Five Kurdish Political and Religious Prisoners at Orumiyeh Central Prison
Five Kurdish political and religious prisoners “Bashir Pirmawane”, “Rahmi Turgut”, Mostafa Sabzi, Qader Salimi and Mohammad Pishbin are still on hunger strike since last week in protest against the refusal of prison officials to grant them parole or transfer them to a prison near their parents' place of residence. Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) has obtained information that Rahimi Turgut and Bashir Pirmavanah have been...
Read moreTwo Kurdish Political Prisoners on Hunger Strike at Orumiyeh Prison
“Bashir Pirmawane” and “Rahmi Turgut”, two Kurdish political prisoners, have gone on hunger strike at the Orumiyeh Central Prison in protest against the refusal of authorities to grant them conditional release. "Today, on Monday, July 22, 2019, “Bashir Pirmawane” and “Rahmi Turgut” officially announced their hunger strike in a letter.”, a source familiar with the case of these two political prisoners told Kurdistan Human...
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