Soma Pour-Mohammadi Archives - KHRN
Kurdish language teacher sentenced to 10 years in prison
Soma Pour-Mohammadi, a Kurdish language teacher and a member of the board of directors of the Nozhin Socio-Cultural Association in Sanandaj, Kurdistan Province, has been sentenced to 10 years of exile imprisonment in Kermanshah Prison by Branch One of the Islamic Revolutionary Court of Sanandaj on charges of "forming groups with the aim of undermining national security". The verdict comes after similar sentences were handed...
Read moreKurdish language teacher detained in Iran’s Sanandaj
Soma Pour-Mohammadi, a Kurdish language teacher and a member of the board of directors of the Nozhin Socio-Cultural Association in Sanandaj, Kurdistan province, was arrested today at the Islamic Revolutionary Court of the city and transferred to an undisclosed location. She was arrested by security forces while she was at the court to follow up on the case of her detained husband, Edris Menbari. Idris Manbari,...
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