Vafa Azarbar Archives - KHRN
Iran executes four Kurdish political prisoners in Karaj
Kurdish political prisoners Pezhman Fatehi, Mohsen Mazloum, Mohammad Faramarzi and Vafa Azarbar were executed today in Ghezel Hesar Prison in Karaj, Alborz Province. Their bodies have not yet been released to their families. In December 2023, the four individuals were sentenced to death on charges of "spying for Israel" by Branch 26 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court in Tehran and the verdict was later upheld...
Read moreSupreme Court denies retrial plea for Kurdish political prisoners
Kurdish political prisoners Pezhman Fatehi, Mohsen Mazloum, Mohammad Faramarzi, and Vafa Azarbar, who have been sentenced to death, have had their request for a retrial rejected by the Supreme Court, according to their lawyer, Masoud Shamsnejad. In a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, on 16 January, Shamsnejad said: "The request for a retrial on behalf of my clients Vafa Azarbar, Mohammad Faramarzi, Mohsen...
Read moreImminent execution threat for nine Kurdish prisoners of conscience in Iran
Some nine Kurdish political and religious prisoners are currently facing imminent execution in prisons in Karaj, Alborz Province, and Kermanshah, Kermanshah Province, as well as in an undisclosed detention centre. The identities of these individuals are Kamran Sheikheh, Khosrow Besharat, Farhad Salimi, Anvar Khezri, Pezhman Fatehi, Vafa Azarbar, Mohsen Mazloum, Mohammad Faramarzi, and Reza Rasaei. These prisoners were sentenced to death during unfair trials on charges...
Read moreFour Kurdish political prisoners face imminent execution in Iran
Kurdish political prisoners Pezhman Fatehi, Mohsen Mazloum, Mohammad Faramarzi and Vafa Azarbar are at imminent risk of execution after the Supreme Court approved their death sentences. These members of the Komala Party of Iranian Kurdistan were sentenced to death about two months ago in an unfair trial in Branch 26 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court in Tehran on charges of "enmity against God" (moharebeh) and...
Read moreIran: Increasing concerns over detained Komala members’ fate
After the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) re-broadcasted the forced confessions of four detained members of the Komala Party of Iranian Kurdistan, named Pezhman Fatehi, Mohsen Mazloum, Mohammad Faramarzi and Vafa Azarbar, and accusing them of "espionage", the concern of their families, human rights organisations and public opinion regarding their fates has increased. On 5 December, IRIB aired the forced confessions of the four...
Read moreConcerns grow over detained Komala members’ fate
A group of four members of the Komala Party of Iranian Kurdistan named Mohsen Mazloum, Hazhir Faramarzi, Vafa Azarbar, and Pezhman Fatehi, who were sent to Orumiyeh, West Azerbaijan province, to carry out an organisational mission, were arrested by the forces of the Ministry of Intelligence and Hamzeh Seyyed al-Shohada camp. Despite the repeated visits of the families of these individuals to the judiciary and...
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