On Monday mooring, November 2, a group of Kurdish border porters–known as Kolbar- were shot by the Iranian border guards. As a result, a member of the village Council of Rawian named Chavoush (Siavash) Koresani was shot dead by Iranian border guards.

A resident of Rawian village told the Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) that “about 5 residents of this village, who were carrying cigarettes, were shot at close range by the border checkpoint forces yesterday morning, around 4 a.m. and Chavosh Koresani lost his life as a result of this shooting.”

Chavoush Koresani, 30 years old and the father of a 4-month-old baby, was a member of the village council of Rawian in Qotur district city of Khoy.

“After he was killed by border guards, his body was taken to Khoy Hospital and then to Behesht-e Zahra Cemetry in the city where he was handed over to his family,”, the source added.

The Kurdish Kolber was buried in the village of Rawian, and so far no one has been prosecuted for killing the Kolbar at the border checkpoint.