The Tehran prosecutor has declined to the request to transfer Kurdish political prisoner Sakineh Parvaneh to the prison in Bojnourd, North Khorasan Province where her family resides.

The family of this political prisoner has not been able to visit her since her arrest due to the long distance, a reliable source told the Kurdistan Human Rights Network.

The political prisoner had previously published a letter on July 26 describing the detention and harassment she had experienced during her imprisonment. According to her, security agents arrested her in the early fall of 2020 on the pretext of visiting her family in the Iraqi Kurdish city of Sulaymaniyah. After being transferred to the Iranian-Iraqi border, she spent 10 days in Marivan and Sanandaj detention centres. She spent her detention under the most severe conditions of interrogation and physical torture in Wards 2A, 209 and the women of Evin Prison. 

“Sakineh Parvaneh was transferred to the women’s ward of Evin Prison after being interrogated. In April of this year, she was transferred to Qarchak Prison in Varamin due to writing slogans in Evin Prison. After four days in solitary confinement, she was transferred to Aminabad Psychiatric Hospital in Rey.”, a reliable source in Tehran had previously told KHRN about the condition of this political prisoner.

Her lawyer’s Peyman Darfshan, who is also currently imprisoned, announced the issuance of a five-year prison sentence and a two-year ban on membership in political groups and communities for his client by Branch 26 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court of Tehran on May 25.In March, Sakineh Parvaneh painted the flag of Kurdistan and wrote slogans in favour of the Komala party in the women’s ward of Evin Prison. Ms Parvaneh’s action provoked a strong reaction from the prison security officers, who transferred the political prisoner to Aminabad Shahrari Psychiatric Hospital with insults and beatings.

On August 27, this political prisoner was notified of the issuance of a new sentence of two years in prison on charges of “disturbing the prison order” while in prison. No information has been obtained about the trial of this political prisoner on this charge yet.