Azerbaijani Turkic Sunni prisoner Davoud Jabbari Maraghoush has gone on a hunger strike in Orumiyeh Central Prison on 30 June. He is protesting against the uncertainty regarding his court case.

The prisoner has been taken to solitary confinement along with another religious prisoner, Yasser Sharafaddin, who had started his hunger strike on 29 June, sources told the Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN).

Security forces had arrested Maraghoush on 4 June 2017.

Branch 2 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court of Orumiyeh sentenced him to 21 years in prison on charges of “enmity against God” for “membership in religious extremist groups”. The case was referred to the Supreme Court after his appeal, but it has not yet been reconsidered.

Separately, Branch 2 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court of Orumiyeh had sentenced Sharafaddin to 18 years in prison on charges of “enmity against God” through “membership in religious extremist groups.

He has been on hunger strike since the morning of 29 June as prison authorities refuse to send him on temporary leave, transfer him to Naqadeh Prison, consider the double-urgency parliamentary plan to reduce his prison term, and take into account the two years of imprisonment he had endured in Afghanistan.