Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN): Two young women died in Kermanshah and Orumieh after committing suicide.

KHRN has been informed that a young woman “Sh.Qadedri” from Kermanshah had committed suicide by hanging herself on Tuesday, Apr 2, 2019. She was married and originally from “Dodan”, a village in the Boyangan of Paveh. According to one of her close relatives, the cause of her suicide was family disputes with her husband and his family. According to the source, “this young woman was forced to marry by her family. After marriage, she had returned to her parents’ home several times due to family disputes but her family had insisted her to continue living with her husband under any circumstances. “

On March 20, 2019, a young woman N. Manavi, Married and a mother of a young child from the village of Gangchin in Orumiyeh also immolated herself by fire due to her family disagreement. She died two weeks later in a hospital in Tehran due to severe burn injuries.