The Iranian government has executed a Kurdish political prisoner, refuses returning the body to his relatives and banned his immediate family from holding a public funeral, a reliable source said in an interview with Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN).
“In the early morning of 9 August Muhammed Abdullahi, a Kurdish political prisoner, was executed in Orumiyeh Central Prison. The previous day he was transferred to the solidarity confinement cells with six other prisoners who had been charged for drug-related crimes. Parsia Aqayi and Tawhid Pur Mehdi were returned to their prison wards but Abdullahi and four others identified as Sayed Jahangir Razavizade, Jobrail Kanani, Kamran Pure and Amir Azizi were executed in the prison’s yard. Mohammad Abdulahi sang revolutionary songs until he was executed,” the source said.
“From 8 August, the family of Muhammad Abdullahi gathered outside of Orumiyeh Prison following their last meeting with him. The prison officials told them that they would be contacted and that the body of their executed son would be delivered in the next 24 hours. Prison officials has returned bodies of four prisoners but they asked Abdullahi’s family to revisit the prison during the opening hours of the following day for ‘official explanations’,” the source said.
The source went on saying: “The family and relatives of Abdullahi visited the office of the prison and they were informed that the body of their son was transferred to the Imam Khomeini hospital. They visited the hospital and the prosecutor office of Orumiyeh for the body, but the officials told them that the body was buried at the same night after execution in a specific place, so they can no longer discuss delivery of Abdullahi’s body.”
The source added: “The prosecutor of Orumiyeh threatened Abdullahi’s family that they are not allowed to arrange a public funeral at the mosque, and they can only arrange a private funeral at their home with participation of a few people. And, if funeral attendees exceed more than ‘a few people’, then they would come to arrest everybody at the home where the funeral would take place.”
Muhammad Abdullahi, 35, was born in the city of Bokan.
Iranian Revolutionary Guards arrested him in the city of Mahabad on 19 March 2011 and shot at him during his arrest injuring his right shoulder.
He was severely beaten at the time of his arrest while wounded in his arm; and later his legs and arms were broken under brutal torture.
The next day he was transferred to the hospital and after superficial treatments he was returned to the solitary confinement cell of the prison.
He suffered severe pains from his left leg until his execution because doctors and the prison authorities never allowed him to be transferred again to a hospital for medical treatments and his broken left leg was left untreated.
Mahabad Revolutionary Court sentenced him to death on charges of membership in Kurdish political arty after seven court sessions on 21 September 2013.
The Appeal Court and High Court confirmed the sentence.
On 29 May 2016, he sent a letter to the office of the Head of the Judiciary of Islamic Republic of Iran and requested a fair re-trial, after which he announced an indefinite hunger strike insisting on his demand for a fair trail even it that would cost his life.
He ended his hunger strike 33 days later on 30 June.
The KHRN source said: “During this time two groups from Mahabad Intelligence Office and Orumiyeh Court visited him at his solitary confinement jail and told him that his case was returned to the High Court of Iran and was accepted for re-trial. They told him that he was no longer at risk of execution and if they wanted his death they would have done it two years ago when his sentence had been confirmed by the High Court.”