Iranian border guards injured a kolbar named Abdollah Hajari using shotguns in the border area of Hengeh-ye Zhal in Baneh, Kurdistan province, on 10 August.

The shots fired by the border forces hit the 25-year-old kolbar in the face.

Border forces’ targeting of kolbars has increased since last week after the commander of the Iranian border guards forces visited the Baneh border areas and threatened to treat the kolbars “harshly”.

In the last week, as a result of border guard forces opening fire at kolbars in the border areas of Baneh, one kolbar named Hazhar Faraji was killed and two others were injured.

In addition, a kolbar identified as Ata Hassanzadeh stepped on a landmine while running from border guard forces shooting at him in the Hangeh-ye Zhal border area. He was severely injured due to the explosion.