Arman Farahmand Archives - KHRN

April 1, 2022

Iran border forces wound young Kurdish kolbar in Kermanshah

Iranian border forces have opened fire on a group of kolbars in the Nowsud border area in Kermanshah province, western Iran, wounding a 25-year-old kolbar named Arman Farahmand. According to witnesses, the kolbar was targeted with a shotgun and more than ten shots hit his hands, head, back, and shoulders. The injured kolbar has been taken to hospital for treatment.

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June 25, 2021

‘Juvenile offender’ ends hunger strike in Sanandaj

A “juvenile offender” has ended his six-day-long hunger strike in the Juvenile Detention Centre of Sanandaj on 24 July. Arman Farahmand, who comes from Marivan, has been on a hunger strike since 19 June. He sewed up his lips to protest against the continued indecision in his court case. Farahmand ended his hunger strike after the “insistence” of the prison authorities and their “promise to meet...

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