death penalty Archives - Page 3 of 3 - KHRN

January 4, 2016

Three Prisoners Transferred to Solitary in Preparation for Execution

Today,Monday January 4, Three prisoners, who were sentenced to death for drug related crimes, have been transferred to solitary confinement in preparation for their executions, a source from inside Orumiyeh prison said. The names of three of the prisoners have been identified as :Omar Badri Qala, Farhang Halolani and Hamid Kijini from ward 15.

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December 31, 2015

Six prisoners hanged on drug charges

“Today, Thursday December 30,2015 Six prisoners with drug related charges were hanged at Tabriz Central Prison.”,a reliable source told Kurdistan Human Rights Network. According to this source: “ Amir Mohammadi, Jahangir Saedi, Jawad Rahnema from ward 7 and Reza Mohammadpour, Javad Gharebaghi and Husain Hsanzadeh from ward 11 were hanged in the yard of Tabriz prison.“

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