Ebrahim Tari-Moradi Archives - KHRN

February 11, 2022

Kurdish civilian sentenced to one year in prison in Iran’s Sanandaj

A Kurdish civilian named Ebrahim Tari-Moradi has been sentenced to one year in prison and payment of a nearly 1,200 USD fine. Branch 1 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court of Sanandaj, in Iran's northwestern province of Kurdistan, presided over by Judge Saeidi, charged the civilian with "propaganda against the state" and "membership in the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (KDPI)". The Sanandaj court officially informed Tari-Moradi...

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September 27, 2021

Kurdish civilian released on bail in Sanandaj

Kurdish civilian Ebrahim Tari-Moradi was released on bail from Sanandaj Central Prison on 26 September. On 24 July, security forces arrested Tari-Moradi, who comes from the Amrowleh village in Sanandaj, at his home in Sanandaj. They took him to the detention centre of the Ministry of Intelligence in Sanandaj, where he was interrogated for two months. The Kurdish civilian was transferred from the detention centre of the...

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September 16, 2021

Iran refuses providing medical treatment to detained Kurdish civilian

The Ministry of Intelligence in Sanandaj, Kurdistan province, continues to hold Kurdish civilian Ebrahim Tari-Moradi in detention after 54 days. During this period, authorities have refused him the right to receive his medication, family visits, and have a lawyer. On 24 July, security forces arrested Tari-Moradi, from the Amrowleh village in Sanandaj, at his home in Sanandaj. Since his arrest, he has only been able to...

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