Hadi Rostami Archives - Page 3 of 3 - KHRN

March 24, 2021

Iranian court condemns prisoner to additional four years imprisonment, 80 lashes

The Criminal Court of Orumiyeh has sentenced prisoner Hadi Rostami, who was previously sentenced to amputation of four fingers of his right hand, to four years in prison and 80 lashes. Branch 1 of the criminal court has issued the sentence without holding a court hearing, accusing him of “insulting the director of Orumiyeh Central Prison” and “disrupting prison order”. A source familiar with the Rostami’s...

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February 23, 2021

Prisoner sentenced to amputation of fingers transferred to Bukan Prison

Prisoner Hadi Rostami, who is sentenced to amputation of four fingers of his right hand, has been transferred from Orumiyeh Central Prison to Bukan Prison, sources told the Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN). Rostami was transferred from the security ward of Orumiyeh Central Prison to the quarantine ward of Bukan Prison by law enforcement forces on Thursday, 18 February, and was beaten by officers of...

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February 15, 2021

Iran lashes prisoner for disrupting prison order

Iran has flogged prisoner Hadi Rostami 60 times on 14 February for “disrupting prison order” in Orumiyeh Prison. Execution of this inhuman sentence given nearly five months earlier, has taken place in Branch 8 of the Enforcement of Judgements Office in Orumiyeh. It was carried out at a time that Hadi Rostami, who is also sentenced to amputation of four fingers of his right hand, was...

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February 12, 2021

Prisoner condemned to amputation of fingers attempts to commit suicide

A young man sentenced to amputation of his fingers by Iran has attempted to commit suicide twice in Orumiyeh Central Prison, in the past two months. Hadi Rostami, a prisoner sentenced to “amputation of four fingers of his right hand” on the charge of “theft” has twice committed suicide by eating glass to protest his detention in the security ward of Orumiyeh Central Prison and...

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September 10, 2020

The Supreme Court upheld the Amputation Sentence of Four Prisoners

Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) has been informed that the amputation sentence of four fingers of the right hand" of three prisoners accused of robbery at Orumiyeh Central Prison, -Hadi Rostami, Mehdi Sharafian and Mehdi Shahivand- was approved by the Supreme Court and sent to the Orumiyeh Enforcement Office to be executed. According to the indictments filed by Branch 13 of the Supreme Court, headed...

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