Loghman Amini Archives - KHRN

June 14, 2023

Iran clerical court convicts Sunni Kurdish clerics supporting protests

The Special Clerical Court in Hamadan, in north-west Iran, has in recent days convicted Sunni Kurdish clerics Loghman Amini and Ebrahim Karimi Nanaleh for voicing support for the recent anti-government protests. The clerical court sentenced Amini to 11 years in prison, two years of life in exile in Ardabil, in the northwest, permanent revocation of his clerical status and a permanent ban on giving sermons. Nanaleh...

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June 8, 2023

Iran clergy court tries two Sunni Kurdish clerics for backing protests

Sunni Kurdish clerics Loghman Amini and Ebrahim Karimi Nanaleh were put on trial on 7 June by the Special Clerical Court in Hamadan, north-west Iran. The clerics were on trial on charges of "propaganda against the state" and "disturbing public opinion" for voicing support for the recent anti-government protests across the country. They were tried without the right to a lawyer, the Kurdistan Human Rights Network...

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June 2, 2023

Iran clergy court summons two Sunni Kurdish clerics

Sunni Kurdish clerics Loghman Amini and Ebrahim Karimi Nanaleh were summoned to appear before the Special Clerical Court in Hamadan, north-west Iran, on 7 June. Earlier on 30 January, security forces arrested Amini, the imam of the Chahar Yar-e Nabi mosque in Sanandaj, and Karimi Nanaleh, the imam of the Nanaleh village mosque in Sanandaj. After arresting Karimi Nanaleh, security forces raided and searched his family’s...

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January 30, 2023

Two Kurdish Sunni clerics detained over supporting Iran protests

Kurdish Sunni clerics Loghman Amini and Ebrahim Karimi Nanaleh were arrested today by security forces on the road from Sanandaj to Marivan, in north-western Iran, and taken to an undisclosed location. In their speeches over the past few months, the two Kurdish clerics had expressed their support for the recent nationwide uprising in Iran. The Sunni cleric had recently received a summons to appear at the...

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