Shahnaz Sadeghifar Archives - KHRN
Iran: Kurdish woman political prisoner released on parole
An Iranian court has released on parole Kurdish woman political prisoner Shahnaz Sadeghifar on 27 January. Sadeghifar's release from Orumiyeh Central Prison, in the northwestern province of West Azerbaijan, came after Branch 2 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court of Orumiyeh approved her appeal for release on parole. In March 2021, the same court, headed by Judge Ali Sheikhlou, had sentenced the political prisoner to five years...
Read moreIran rearrests Kurdish woman political activist in Orumiyeh
Kurdish woman political activist Shahnaz Sadeghifar, who was released on bail from prison in April after 20 months in detention, has been rearrested. The Iranian Ministry of Intelligence in Orumiyeh, West Azerbaijan province, summoned the activist on 14 November and imprisoned her in Orumiyeh Central Prison. Reportedly, the summoning came after the bail, which was previously provided for the temporary release of the political prisoner, had...
Read moreKurdish political prisoner accused of ‘acting against national security’ released on bail
Kurdish woman political prisoner Shahnaz Sadeghifar, who was sentenced to five years and one day in prison, has been released on a bail of 500 million Iranian Tomans – nearly 20,000 USD. A source familiar with Sadeghifar’s case spoke to the Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) and said, “Shahnaz Sadeghifar has been temporarily released from Orumiyeh Central Prison on Thursday, 18 March, with the consent...
Read moreIranian court drops Kurdish political prisoner’s 15-year imprisonment sentence to five
Iranian Court of Appeals has reduced Kurdish female political prisoner Shahnaz Sadeghifar’s sentence of 15 years in prison to five years and one day in a hearing held through video-conference on 20 February, sources told the Kurdistan Human Rights Netwowrk (KHRN). The Islamic Revolutionary Court of Orumiyeh had earlier sentenced Sadeghifar to 15 years in prison on charges of “acting against national security”. A source familiar...
Read morePolitical Prisoner in Critical Health Condition on the Seventh Day of Her Hunger Strike
Kurdish political prisoner Shahnaz Sadeghifar who has been on a hunger strike since July 30, 2020, in protest to her 15 years prison sentence, is in a critical health condition, a reliable source told the Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN). "Shahnaz Sadeghifar has been on a hunger strike since Thursday, July 30, in protest to her 15-year imprisonment sentence issued by the Islamic...
Read moreKurdish Woman Jailed for 15 Years Despite Being Promised Amnesty
Kurdish civilian Shahnaz Sadeghifar has been sentenced to 15 years in prison by the Branch 2 of Orumiyeh Revolutionary Court, presided over by Judge Sheikhlou on July 21, 2020. She returned to Iran with her daughter Ainaz Zare Mehr from Kurdistan last year after receiving an "immunity letter" from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). However, she was charged with "acting against national security" through membership in the Kurdistan...
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