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August 1, 2021

July monthly report: Human rights violations in Iranian Kurdistan

Investigations carried out by the Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) show that many Kurdish civilians and activists from Iran have become victims of human rights violations in July 2021. The following are the detailed information collected by the Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) statistics and documentation centre regarding these violations. ExecutionsIn July, Iran carried out the death penalties of eight prisoners on charges of drugs and...

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June 7, 2021

One kolbar died, two injured in border areas of Iranian Kurdistan

Iranian border regiment has opened fire on a group of kolbars in the Tah Tah mountain pass in Hawraman area on 6 June, as a result of which a 35-year-old kolbar from Marivan named Soran Qaderi has been wounded, sources told the Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN). Meanwhile, an 18-year-old kolbar named Yousef Farjami from the village of Dim Qeshlaq in West Azerbaijan province has...

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June 3, 2021

Kurdish woman activist on fourth day of hunger strike against unlawful detention

Civil rights activist and student Viyan Mohammadi has gone on hunger strike on 31 May to protest against her unlawful detention. A source familiar with the detainee's situation confirmed the news to the Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) and said: “Viyan Mohammadi, who has been detained by the Intelligence Organisation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in Tehran since 30 April, has gone on...

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June 3, 2021

Iran forces kill Kurdish tradesman in border areas of Baneh

Iranian police have shot and killed a Kurdish tradesman named Hossein Faraji yesterday in the border area of Balaki village of Baneh, in Kurdistan province. A source from Baneh told the Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) that the police opened fire on the tradesman’s car without warning and killed him on the spot. The source added that the Kurdish tradesman’s car was targeted by the police...

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June 2, 2021

Tortured prisoner dies due to lack of medical treatment in Bukan

A 27-year-old prisoner named Nasser Karimi has lost his life in Bukan Prison on 2 June due to being denied medical treatment after he was tortured, sources told the Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN). Karimi was arrested by the agents of the Criminal Investigation Department in Bukan on 30 May and was taken the next day to the quarantine ward of Bukan Prison. After being tortured...

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May 31, 2021

Kolbar shot, injured by Iranian border forces in Baneh

Iranian border guards on Sunday 30 May have opened fire on a group of kolbars in the Sartazin border area in Baneh, Kurdistan province, injuring a kolbar named Mohammad Rahmani. The injured kolbar has been taken to a medical centre in Sanandaj for treatment.

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