A film costume designer named Manizheh Azizi has been in custody since 18 November, and despite her family’s frequent visits to various prisons in Tehran and Alborz provinces, there is still no information about her whereabouts.

Azizi is a Kurdish civilian from Kermanshah who resides in Tehran.

She was detained by the security forces on 18 November in Behesht-e Zahra cemetery in Tehran, along with five of her friends. During the detention, their personal car was confiscated.

“Manizheh Azizi spent the first week of her detention in solitary confinement, and since her detention, she has only been able to make two one-minute phone calls with her family. In these calls, she was not able to speak in Kurdish to her family, and she also did not give any information about her whereabouts and condition”, said a source close to the family.

According to the source, while the family was in the court, by coincidence they saw their daughter who was brought to the court together with her co-defendants.

However, the security officers did not allow her and the other detainees to talk about the accusations against them with the family.

In response to the family’s follow-ups, the judicial authorities and the officials of various prisons have each time given the name of a different prison in Tehran and Alborz provinces as Azizi’s detention location.

Every time the family visited these prisons, the relevant authorities said they were unaware of the existence of such a person in the prison in question.

The continuing lack of information about the place of detention of these civilians and the charges against them had added to their families’ concerns.