Hiwa – Database of Political Prisoners

List of Political and Religious Prisoners

Hiwa is the hope for a bright horizon from the darkness of prison. Here, we have dedicated pages to each of the Kurdish prisoners and detainees in Iran’s prisons and security detention centres to document a portion of the suffering and injustice inflicted on their lives and rights. It is an effort against forgetting and a call for justice.

Hatem Ozdemir

Born: Agri, Kurdistan of Turkey
Field of activity: Political Activist
Charged With: Armed insurrection (baghi) – Membership of a group or assembly with the intention of disrupting national security/ Membership of opposition groups
Sentence: Death penalty
Current Status: Imprisoned in Orumiyeh Central Prison
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Hazhar Delsouz

Born: Piranshahr, West Azerbaijan Province
Field of activity: Political Activist
Charged With: Membership of a group or assembly with the intention of disrupting national security/ Membership of opposition groups
Sentence: Two years imprisonment
Current Status: Imprisoned in Naqadeh Prison
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Hiwa Nouri

Born: Bukan, West Azerbaijan Province
Field of activity: Sunni Activist
Charged With: Armed insurrection (baghi)
Sentence: Pending
Current Status: Imprisoned in Orumiyeh Central Prison
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Hossein Khosravi

Born: Bukan, West Azerbaijan Province
Field of activity: Sunni Activist
Charged With: Armed insurrection (baghi)
Sentence: Pending
Current Status: Imprisoned in Orumiyeh Central Prison
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Hossein Osmani

Born: Mahabad, West Azerbaijan Province
Field of activity: Political Activist
Charged With: Enmity against God (moharebeh)
Sentence: 30 years imprisonment
Current Status: Imprisoned in Orumiyeh Central Prison
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Javanmard Mam-Khosravi

Born: Bukan, West Azerbaijan Province
Field of activity: Participant in Anti-Government Protests
Charged With: Armed insurrection (baghi) – Assembly and collusion with intent to commit a crime against the security of the country – Collaboration with hostile states – Enmity against God (moharebeh)
Sentence: Pending
Current Status: Imprisoned in Orumiyeh Central Prison
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Kamal Lotfi

Born: Dehgolan, Kurdistan Province
Field of activity: Justice-Seeking Family
Charged With: Insulting the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran – Insulting the leader – Propaganda against the state
Sentence: Two years imprisonment
Current Status: Imprisoned in Kamyaran Prison
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Kamal Sharifi

Born: Saqqez, Kurdistan Province
Field of activity: Political Activist
Charged With: Enmity against God (moharebeh)
Sentence: 30 years imprisonment and exile
Current Status: Imprisoned in Minab Prison, Hormozgan Province
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Kamel Jabbarvand

Born: Orumiyeh, West Azerbaijan Province
Field of activity: Political Activist
Charged With: Acting against national security
Sentence: Seven years imprisonment
Current Status: Imprisoned in Orumiyeh Central Prison
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Kamran Ghassemi

Born: Orumiyeh, West Azerbaijan Province
Field of activity: Political Activist
Charged With: Acting against national security
Sentence: Seven years and six months imprisonment
Current Status: Imprisoned in Orumiyeh Central Prison
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