Kurdish labour activist and former political prisoner Hajar Saeidi was imprisoned on 18 November to serve a one-year sentence at the Juvenile Detention Centre of Sanandaj, Kurdistan Province.

In recent days, Saeidi was summoned to serve her sentence by Branch Four of the Enforcement of Judgements Office of the Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor’s Office in Sanandaj.

Security forces arrested Saeidi and seven other labour activists while they were visiting the family of Houman Abdollahi, one of the protesters killed by state forces during the anti-government uprising of Women Life Freedom in Sanandaj on 17 May.

Saeidi was provisionally released from the Juvenile Detention Centre of Sananda on bail of to 5 billion rials – nearly 10,000 USD – after a month in detention.

A few months ago, Branch One of the Islamic Revolutionary Court sentenced her to a two-year prison sentence on charges of “assembly and collusion against national security” by forming a communist group.

This sentence was later reduced to one year’s imprisonment by the Fourth Branch of the Kurdistan Province Court of Appeal.

Saeidi has a history of facing summonses and detentions by security institutions due to her labour activities.

In August 2020, she was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment, suspended for four years, by the First Branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Court in Sanandaj on charges of “acting against national security” by being a member of the Communist Party of Iran (Komala), as well as participating in illegal gatherings and associating with labour activists.