Iranian security forces have recently conducted raids on the homes of three Sunni Kurdish religious activists in the city of Bukan, West Azerbaijan Province, confiscating personal belongings, including books, mobile phones, and laptops.

The Quranic School in Bukan reported through its Telegram channel that security forces used a “manoeuvre of fear and intimidation” during the operations at the homes of Mohyeddin Mohammadzadeh, Karim Nowrouzi and Farough Hosseini.

Mohammadzadeh, the prayer leader of Nowbar village in Bukan, and Nowrouzi, another member of the Quranic School, had their homes searched, resulting in the confiscation of various personal items, including notes, books, laptops and mobile phones belonging to them and other family members.

In a further escalation, security forces forcibly entered the home of Hosseini, another member of the Quranic School, under the pretext of a “gas meter inspection”.

Acting without a court order, they broke cupboards locks, conducted a thorough search of the premises and created an atmosphere of fear and intimidation that particularly affected his children.

The Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) has learned that the increased pressure on religious activists in Bukan and other cities in Kurdistan follows news of the recent death sentence handed down to Mohammad Khezrnezhad, a Sunni Kurdish cleric in Bukan who was arrested during the anti-government uprising of Women Life Freedom.