Anvar Chaleshi, a Kurdish political prisoner suffering from colon cancer, remains handcuffed and shackled in a hospital in Orumiyeh as the Intelligence Organisation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has blocked his medical leave, the Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) has learned.

Chaleshi, 50, was transferred to Khomeini Hospital several weeks ago due to his deteriorating health.

A source familiar with his condition told the KHRN: “Anvar Chaleshi contracted colon cancer in prison, and his health is worrying. Despite a forensic doctor’s opinion that he cannot continue to be detained, the security services are preventing his conditional release and medical leave.”

About four weeks ago, Chaleshi was transferred from the political and religious prisoners’ ward in Orumiyeh Prison to Khomeini Hospital. Financial constraints have hindered the start of his treatment, leaving him in an uncertain condition in the hospital, the source said.

Chaleshi was arrested by security forces on 2 December 2020, along with Kamel Jabbarvand, and taken to the detention facility of the Intelligence Organisation of the IRGC at Al-Mahdi base.

After initial interrogation, he was transferred to Orumiyeh Central Prison in the early months of 2021.

In October 2021, Chaleshi was sentenced to seven years in prison by Branch One of the Islamic Revolutionary Court in Orumiyeh on charges of “acting against national security” through membership of the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI).

Since his arrest, Chaleshi has been granted furlough only once.