Iranian security forces in the morning of 24 April have arrested three civil rights activists named Marzieh Gholam-Veysi, Sirwan Abdollahi, and Ataollah Reza-Robabi in Sanandaj. The activists have been taken to an undisclosed location.

A source in Sanandaj told the Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) that it was “not clear which intelligence agency the security forces were affiliated with”. They arrested Marzieh Gholam-Veysi at her home, along with her son Sirwan Abdollahi, and their friend Ataollah Reza-Robabi, it added.

Marzieh Gholam-Veysi is a former political prisoner of the 1980s and has been active in the fields of women’s rights and the environment with her son Sirwan Abdollahi in recent years. Security officers did not provide any reason for the detention of the two, and their family does not know where the activists were taken to.