The Iranian Ministry of Intelligence arrested labour activist Eghbal Shabani on 19 May, following a recent wave of arrests of labour activists in Sanandaj, Kurdistan province.

Over the past week, security forces have arrested at least ten labour activists.

Shabani was arrested without a judicial order and taken to the Ministry of Intelligence detention centre in Sanandaj.

The activist has been summoned and questioned by the security services on several occasions in recent years.

He was also arrested by the intelligence ministry in February 2019.

Also, on 17 May, security forces arrested eight labour activists who were visiting the family of Houman Abdollahi, one of the victims of the recent anti-government protests in Sanandaj.

Activists Hajar Saeidi, Habibollah Karimi, Shadman Abdi, Kamal Karimi, Abdollah Kheir-Abadi, Eghbal Pishkari, Khabat Mahmoudi and Sirvan Mahmoudi were arrested at Abdollahi’s home without a court warrant.

In addition, the intelligence ministry arrested labour activist Borhan Saeidi in Sanandaj after summoning him on 18 May.