Navid Kohnehpoushi Archives - KHRN

August 8, 2022

Iran intelligence ministry arrests Kurdish environmental activist

A Kurdish environmental activist named Navid Kohnehpoushi was arrested after being summoned by the Ministry of Intelligence in Marivan, Kurdistan province, on 6 August. The activist told his family in a brief phone call that he had been taken to the detention centre of the intelligence ministry in Sanandaj, Kurdistan province. Background On 31 October 2021, the Ministry of Intelligence took hostage Kohnehpoushi’s brother after they did...

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December 15, 2021

Iran: Detained Kurdish activist’s whereabouts unknown after 45 days

The situation and whereabouts of the arrested Kurdish environmental activist Navid Kohnehpoushi remain unknown after 45 days in detention. Despite repeated follow-ups by the activist's family in the security agencies and judicial authorities of Marivan, they have not received any explanation about where and why he is held in detention. Background On 31 October, the Ministry of Intelligence took hostage Kohnehpoushi's brother after they did not find...

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November 19, 2021

Iran detains two environmental activists, holds two others in custody

Iranian security forces have arrested two environmental activists from Piranshahr in northwestern West Azerbaijan province on 17 November. Also, two other environmental activists detained in the past months remain in custody in the detention centre of the Ministry of Intelligence in Sanandaj, Kurdistan province. Jahangir Sagharnia, a member of the Environmental Supporters Association in Piranshahr, was arrested by security forces on 17 November. Simultaneously, another member of...

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November 3, 2021

Iran intelligence ministry arrests Kurdish environmental activist

Iranian security forces arrested Kurdish environmental activist Navid Kohnehpoushi in Marivan, Kurdistan province, on 31 October. The Ministry of Intelligence first took hostage Kohnehpoushi’s brother after they did not find the activist at home. They told his family that they would keep their other son in custody until the activist turned himself in. Kohnehpoushi presented himself to the office of the intelligence ministry a few hours after...

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