Iranian security forces have arrested two environmental activists from Piranshahr in northwestern West Azerbaijan province on 17 November.

Also, two other environmental activists detained in the past months remain in custody in the detention centre of the Ministry of Intelligence in Sanandaj, Kurdistan province.

Jahangir Sagharnia, a member of the Environmental Supporters Association in Piranshahr, was arrested by security forces on 17 November.

Simultaneously, another member of the association, Khabat Khatial, was taken into custody after being summoned to the office of the intelligence ministry.

Moreover, Salar Salehi, the former head of the environmental committee of the Kurdistan branch of the National Unity Party, who was arrested by security forces on 27 September, is still being held in the detention centre of the intelligence ministry in Sanandaj.

A source in Marivan also reported that Navid Kohnehpoushi, another environmental activist and member of the Chya the Green Organisation in Marivan, who was arrested by security forces in Marivan on 31 October, had been transferred to the detention centre of the intelligence ministry in Sanandaj.

The Ministry of Intelligence in Marivan first took hostage Kohnehpoushi’s brother after they did not find the activist at home.

They told his family that they would keep their other son in custody until the activist turned himself in.

Kohnehpoushi presented himself to the office of the intelligence ministry a few hours after learning security forces had taken his brother hostage.

The intelligence ministry released his brother after they arrested the activist.

Salehi and Kohnehpoushi are still being held in detention without the right to family visits and having a lawyer.