An Iranian court sentenced the poet and civil rights activist Kamran Takouk to 28 months in prison on 21 February.

Branch 1 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court of Kermanshah, western Iran, charged Takouk with “propaganda against the state” and “insulting the leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran”.

The court summoned the activist in the morning of 21 February and informed him of the sentence, a relative of the activist said.

Takouk was sentenced to 16 months in prison on charges of “insulting the leader of the state” and to 12 months in prison on charges of “propaganda against the state.”

According to the Law on Consolidation of Sentences, only 16 months of the sentence is enforceable.

The Intelligence Organisation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) had summoned and detained Takouk in Kermanshah on 12 January.

He was then taken to the detention centre of the security institution at its Nabi Akram Brigade base in Kermanshah.

The activist was then released on 500 million Iranian Tomans – nearly 20,000 USD – bail.