Ali Allah-Veysi, a civil rights activist and former political prisoner, was arrested by security forces in Sanandaj, Kurdistan Province, on 14 July and taken to an undisclosed location.

The activist was arrested without a judicial warrant and the authorities have not disclosed any charges or the location of his detention.

Allah-Veysi, a member of the Jiyanaway Kurdistan Campaign, was previously arrested by security forces in Sanandaj on 8 May 2021, along with six other campaign members, and was released on bail on 13 June of that year.

The trial of the seven activists was held on 14 March 2022 at Branch One of the Islamic Revolutionary Court of Sanandaj, presided over by Judge Saeedi, on charges of “propaganda against the state” and “acting against national security” by collaborating with the Komala Party of Iranian Kurdistan.

In May 2022, Allah-Veysi was informed that he had been sentenced to two years in prison, a sentence later reduced to five months of imprisonment and four years of suspended imprisonment by Branch Four of the Kurdistan Court of Appeal.

Allah-Veysi was rearrested in September 2022 to serve his sentence and was released from Sanandaj Central Prison upon completion of his sentence.