Moloud Yazdanpanah, a political prisoner detained in ward 15 of the Orumiyeh Central Prison, was deprived of the right to leave (furlough) on the eve of the tenth year of imprisonment. Moreover, the authorities refused to release him while extending his detention order for another 13 months without offering any specific unknown reasons.
“Moloud Yazdanpanah, the Kurdish citizen from Mahabad, was arrested by Security forces in Mahabad City on July 29, 2008. He was interrogated for a month at the Intelligence Ministry Detention Centre of Orumiyeh on the charge of cooperation with one of the Kurdish parties. He suffered from shoulder and knee injury due to torture during interrogation”, a reliable source told Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN).
“He was then transferred to Mahabad Prison after the interrogation at the Intelligence Ministry Detention Centre in Orumiyeh. Yazdanpanah went on trial at the at Branch 2 of the Revolutionary Court in Mahabad headed by judge Chabok on Aug 29, 2008 and was sentenced to ten years of imprisonment and exile to Orumiyeh Prison on charges of cooperation with one of the Kurdish parties. The verdict was officially served on him a week later at the Orumiyeh prison. After filing an appeal against the verdict, his case was sent to Branch 10 of the Orumiyeh Appeal Court, which upheld the sentence,” the source added.
According to the source, Mr. Yazdanpanah who has been imprisoned since winter 2008 at the Orumiyeh Central Prison has been deprived of leave so far. Also, the legal date of his release was supposed to be on July 7, 2018, but the release date stated in the dossier of Implementation of Imprisonment Sentences is Aug 14, 2019, for some unknown reasons.
It should be stressed that, over the past few years, the political prisoner has repeatedly asked for the mistake concerning the date of his release to be corrected, But apparently due to hostility of Rasoul Abdollah Zadeh, ”head of the Implementation of Imprisonment Sentences” with political prisoners, the mistake has still not been corrected.