Kurdish political prisoner Shahram Kazemiyan has been sent on temporary leave from prison on 4 April, with a bail of 500 million Iranian Tomans – nearly 20,000 USD – after the approval of the Classification Council of Orumiyeh Central Prison.

Kazemiyan was arrested on 6 January 2020 by the forces of the Intelligence Office of Orumiyeh. After 27 days of interrogation in the detention centre of this agency, he was transferred to Orumiyeh Central Prison.
In March 2020, Branch 2 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court of Orumiyeh sentenced the civil rights activist to a total of six years in prison on charges of “propaganda against the state” and “membership in opposition and dissident groups”.

After the ruling, the civil rights activist was released on a bail of 700 million Iranian Tomans – nearly 28,000 USD – in April 2020. His sentence was confirmed after a few months by the Court of Appeals of Orumiyeh, but it was later commuted to three years of imprisonment by the Supreme Court of Iran.
Kazemiyan was sent to prison in January 2021 to serve his sentence.