Iranian Ministry of Intelligence continues to hold in detention 10 Kurdish civilians arrested 86 days ago during a wave of arrests of Kurdish civilians and activists in villages of Baneh, in Iran’s northwestern Kurdistan province.

The names of these individuals are Salah Pezeshki, Arsalan Pezeshki, Farzad Pezeshki, Aboubakr Pezeshki, Karim Pezeshki, Rafigh Pezeshki, Behzad Pezeshki, Jamal Morovvati, Saeid Ghaderi, and Saeid Rashidi.

The detainees have only had a few brief phone calls with their families since their arrests. They have been denied the right to receive visits by their families and have a lawyer.

Behzad Pezeshki is being held in the detention centre of the intelligence ministry in Baneh and the rest in the detention facility of the ministry in Sanandaj, Kurdistan province.

On 11 November, dozens of plainclothes security officers made simultaneous arrests in the villages of Choman, Namshir, Najneh, and Kupich in Baneh, detaining 17 Kurdish civilians.

In recent weeks, seven of these civilians were temporarily released on bails of 200 million Iranian Tomans – nearly 8,000 USD.