With the onset of heavy snowfall in the border areas of Kurdistan and turning seasonal workers to Kolbari, the number of victims has increased. At least two Kurdish Kolbars have lost their life due to frost and being shot by border guards while 6 others have been wounded during the past 10 days.

According to reports received by Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN), a 19-year-old Kolbar, Haddad Babajani from the village of Gheshlag of Shaho was wounded as a result of landmine explosion and lost his right leg on Friday, January 18. He was carrying cargo in the area of Herat in Novosud. The above-mentioned Kolbar had turned to this job in order to pay for his wedding expenses.

Moreover, Iranian border guards in the village of Razi area of Khoy ambushed a group of Kolbars on January 15. As a result of direct shooting of these guards, a 37-year-old Kolbar, Abdullah Yousefi was killed and another Kolbar known as Ehsan Khalidi, 23-year-old, was injured.

Elsewhere in border areas of Chldoran, another Kurdish Kolbar, 20-year old Amir Taheri, froze to death in heavy snowfall.

Following the shooting of the Iranian border guards during the past couple of days, two Kolbars, Nasser Omari and Sirvan Hasanzadeh were injured in Sardasht, while a 23-year old Kolbar, Asin Alipur from the village of Nazloy of Orumiyeh was wounded in the border region of Targoor of Orumiyeh.

Meanwhile, another Kolbar, Ibrahim Ahmadian from Mahabad fell from the mountain in Sardasht and injured his back.